How Bird Feeders Are Killing California Songbirds

Songbirds across the Northern and Central California regions are dying. And this backyard accessory could be the reason, reports FOX5.

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) announced in a press release that they have been "inundated with calls from residents who are finding sick or dead finches at bird feeders."

A majority of the reports have come from the Bay Area, Central Coast region, and the Sierra Nevada, according to FOX5.

The CDFW's investigation found that the cause of death was an outbreak of Salmonellosis, an infection caused by Salmonella which lives in the intestinal tracts of birds and other animals.

Since Salmonellosis is easily transmittable from bird to bird, the backyard feeders are helping spread the disease.

"Salmonellosis is almost exclusively reported from locations with bird feeders where birds congregate," said the CDFW.

They are urging residents to take down their bird feeders and birdbaths since the birds get sick when they "ingest food, water or come into contact with objects ... contaminated with feces from an infected bird."

The CDFW also urges wearing gloves and thoroughly washing your hands after handling, bird feeders, bath, and dead birds.

If you find a sick bird in your yard, call the local wildlife rehabilitation center for help.

Photo: Getty Images

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